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This site has regular updates, so things will be added and changed in the future. 

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Welcome to
TsaiHsing G4
Bilingual Classes 

What did you learn today?


What we are doing in class, see below...

G4 Week 3 - 2024/09/8-14

Now that we have covered most of the Bridges Ch1 textbook pages last week, we will focus on the Bridges Ch1 workbook this week. Students will review and have notes on writing structure and rules in writing class. We will continue learning about “must/have to” for obligations in Grammar.

As always, you can contact me through ClassDojo or by email at I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday for Parent’s Day (9/15), where I will give you more information about the class and the expectations for the year.

Front Page: Class Overview
Front Page: Tests & Assignments

Upcoming Tests and Quizzes

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Play by the Rules

Bridges Textbook pages 1-22

Bridges Workbook pages 1-15

Ch.1 Quiz (week 4)


User Name: Grade 4

(There is a space)

Password: Grade4



Practice Bridges  math

using an English game.


You can play online or

with the Prodigy app.


Be sure to connect

to our class, and use your

English name and number. 

ClassDojo is the best way
to contact me.

Hello everyone,


      I am Nathan Weller, but everyone at Tsai Hsing calls me "Teacher Nate."  I want to welcome you and your child to their classroom's website and introduce myself to you. I am from New York but not from New York City because I am from close to Canada in upstate NY. I wanted to become a teacher since a young age.

      It is my dream to change the world by helping improve the success of my students. I came to Taiwan in 2011 where I was teaching in Kaohsiung for three years before I came to Tsai Hsing in 2014. I love Taiwan so much I may even stay here forever! I'm adventurous, I like to be doing outdoor activities but, I also enjoy staying in to spend time with friends. I enjoy playing all sports but, my best sports are tennis, swimming, martial arts and OCR races, like the Spartan Races!

      I hope that we have a chance to get to know each other better over the time that I get to work with you.


Nathan Weller

a.k.a. 魏赤髯

You can also email me at...

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Front Page: Contact
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